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Nombre De R?Fugi?S En France / 10 000 Demandes D Asile Sont Elles Deposees Chaque Annee Par Des Afghans En France Lci

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This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa. Migration Sur Le Maroni Les Refugies Surinamais En Guyane Persee
la source www.persee.fr
This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa. Afghanistan Quels Refugies La France Va T Elle Accueillir Lci
la source photos.lci.fr
This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa. Premier Bilan De La Demande D Asile En France Et En Europe En 2018 La Cimade
la source www.lacimade.org
This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

Nombre De R?Fugi?S En France / 10 000 Demandes D Asile Sont Elles Deposees Chaque Annee Par Des Afghans En France Lci. This figure includes 1.9 million syrians registered by unhcr in egypt, iraq, jordan and lebanon, 3.67 million syrians registered by the government of turkey, as well as more than 31 k syrian refugees registered in north africa.

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